
To Eat Cold or Reheat? How To Reheat Your Leftover Pizza


Who doesn’t love a bit of leftover pizza for breakfast the next day?

Leftovers, you say? Is there any such thing as leftover pizza from our London Pizza Depot in Dagenham? Rarely, because as anyone knows that has had one, they are just too delicious to leave alone!

However, if you have a will of iron and you can manage to leave some of our tasty pizza to eat the next day, do you like to eat it cold or prefer to reheat it? If you want to reheat your pizza, then we have the best tips for reheating so your leftover pizza tastes just as good as it did the day before.

Never reheat your leftover pizza in a microwave

Firstly, we know that you won’t want to wait around to enjoy sinking your teeth into your leftover pizza, but NEVER be tempted to reheat your pizza in the microwave. Step away from the microwave! Microwaves are where leftover pizzas go to die.

Microwaved pizzas are so disappointing. All you get is a sad-looking pizza with a soft and chewy crust. The cheese is likely to spill over, and the tomato sauce will splatter the inside of the microwave so bad that it will look like a crime scene.

If you want to enjoy your pizza for breakfast the next day, do yourself a favour and don’t ruin it in a microwave. If the microwave is your best option, you are better off eating it cold.

Reheating pizza in the oven

Yes, Yes. We know. Reheating your delicious London Pizza Depot pizza in the oven is a longer process, but the wait will be well worth it.

Line a baking tray with foil and warm it in the oven. This way, you will get more heat to the bottom of your pizza, give you a fantastic crispy crust, and avoid a soggy bottom… no one likes a soggy bottom on their reheated pizza!

Carefully place your pizza slices onto the baking tray and then lightly brush a layer of olive oil over the crust and drizzle a little oil over the pizza topping. The oil will help your pizza taste just like it did the night before, and it will crisp up the crust while keeping the toppings moist and juicy.

Bake for ten to fifteen minutes, and you will be able to enjoy another fantastic pizza experience.

Use a frying pan … wait, what?

Yes, you heard correctly. You can use a frying pan to reheat your pizza. In fact, food technicians have experimented with toaster ovens, air fryers, and barbecue grills to reheat pizza to get the best result and the frying pan came out as the clear winner.

Reheating pizza in a frying pan is the best-kept secret of many pizza chefs when eating at home. You simply place your leftover pizza slices in a frying pan over medium-low heat for a couple of minutes.

The even heat of the frying pan will revive the crispiness of the crust and warm through the topping without overcooking it. If you have a lidded frying pan, then this is even better at keeping the heat contained. The moisture in the pizza will steam the cheese and melt it, which is better than drying out the cheese and other toppings by reheating it under the grill.

Do you want to test our pizza reheating tips out for yourself? Why not order a delicious pizza (or two) from our Dagenham store and give these tips a go. You’re welcome!

Lucy Miller

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