
Powerful Leadership Development Training Activities for Employees


For every organization to grow, the employees play a very vital role, and to guide them in the right direction, every team has a leader. Imagine the situation where you place your employees to work with strangers and force them to give their best. The employee will leave the job and your complete team will be scattered. The role of a leader is to make the whole team perform together and for that he/she has to be skilled enough to handle all kinds of team members.

To enhance these skill sets among the employees, leadership development training activities are organized by the companies. These training programs are mostly organized at some holiday resorts, which provide all the facilities to perform different activities and keep the employees engaged and safe. It is important to the team to participate in such programs so that the one who is willing to get promoted gets the opportunity to learn these skills whereas the young staff members who are going to be the future leaders of the organization learn for making their future bright.

The organizers try to conduct various activities which involve a lot of fun and some hidden lessons for the employees. The employees get to learn various skills while performing those tasks along with having fun in the happier and healthier environment of the holiday resorts.

Let us discuss a few of these powerful activities which add a lot of value to all the employee’s life.

  1. Simple Questions to Break the Ice Between Team Members

Create a list of employees and according make a list of basic questions which are simple to answer but revealing. Ask each team member to pick a question and make answering them compulsory. You can add the questions like:

  • What is the current wallpaper of your mobile and why you have chosen it?
  • Have you done any out-of-the-box thing yet, if yes then tell everyone about it?
  • If you are asked to go invisible for a day, what are the things you will do?
  • Do you have a scar? Tell us a story about it.
  1. Your Best 30 Seconds

Following all the icebreaking questions, ask the employees to remember the best things they have done in life or their best moment and ask them to talk about it in 30 seconds. This will help in enhancing communication skills and promotes emotional intelligence which is very essential to be in any leader. Shy people will get some confidence by speaking in front of others.

  1. Draw an Object

This is an interesting activity to enhance clear communication among the team members. Make pairs of employees where one member is given a pen and paper while the other one has to remember the picture given on the paper. The second member will describe the picture using hints without taking the actual name and the other one has to draw it correctly. This will teach how clear communication is important for every organization to get perfect results.

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